10 reasons to invest in real estate (part 1.)

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Editorial Invest in Slovakia

The COVID-19 pandemic is raging outside and you are probably in the lucky part of the population that hasn't lost income. In times of crisis like these, they tend to the scissors of wealth and poverty are more open than ever, What means that people with income are able to live in much more luxury than people who have lost their income. A if you don't need to surround yourself with luxury, we recommend you invest! There are many investment products on the market today opportunities to choose from.

And that is why We are decided to create a miniseries of articles on rational arguments why it pays to invest in real estate. In today's article we will go through the first 3 reasons to invest in real estate. You will read about the remaining 7 reasons coming soon in other articles in this series.

Investing in real estate is one way to earn passive incomesaving for retirement, as well as how to build a diversified investment portfolio. Real estate investing can be done in a number of ways, either by buying a property and its subsequent rental, by buying a REIT, i.e. an index that holds real estate stocks, and last but not least, real estate investing can also take place by way of the reality of crowdfundingwhere the investor participates in either the construction or financing of specific buildings and properties, on pre-agreed terms. Let's take a look together at the various benefits of investing in real estate.

Advantage 1: You earn passive income from investing

The main reason for investing in real estate for many people is generating passive income. However, in order to avoid the investment becoming unnecessarily risky, you must taking care to choose the right property. This should increase the cash flow in your family budget even if you have invested other people's money in the property, for example through a mortgage loan from a bank. Therefore, the alpha and omega Thorough research of the market and the location in which you are going to invest. Are there plans to build major roads or factories there? What does the current zoning plan look like? What are the amenities in the area, what is the composition of the population or companies operating in the office building? All this and more should be studied before you venture into real estate investing in an effort to generate passive income.

Advantage 2: Diversify your investment portfolio

Whether you invest in a variety of financial market instruments, or you hold your investments only in real estate, you need to think about Diversification. Diversification of the investment portfolio is the strongest instrument for regulating the total the risk of investments. Even in our youth we are taught the saying not to give all our eggs in one basket, and it is no different when it comes to investing.

If you invest in stocks, bonds, commodities, cryptocurrencies or other financial instruments and you don't want to hassle with finding tenants and taking care of physical apartments or houses, look for diversification by investing in real estate crowdfunding, or by buying real estate indices REITs.

If you invest only within the real estate market, diversify your risk purchasing different types of buildings (residential, office, warehouse, manufacturing, etc.) and also buying real estate in different locations (capital city, smaller towns, mountains, etc.).

Advantage 3 Tax advantages

Unfortunately, the Slovakia subject to rental income of immovable property is subject to taxation, if of course the property is rented out properly for on the basis of a concluded lease agreement. Exempt from income tax is any taxpayer only up to EUR 500 for the entire tax period. However, as regards tax on the gain on the sale of the property, this is set up quite favourably.

Income from the sale of any property under a contract of sale is taxable in Slovakia, as it is considered to be income from transfer of ownership of real estate. However, in the law there are exceptionswhich liberate the gain on the sale of the property from tax. The most widespread way to to avoid paying tax on gains from the transfer of ownership of real estate is the expiry of 5 years from the date of its acquisition. In practice, this means that if you buy an investment property today that in 5 years you sell it for a profit of, say, 30,000, you pay no tax to the state.

And so, with tax relief, we end today's first article in the series 10 reasons to invest in real estate. Don't forget to read us next time for more reasons why it pays to invest in the real estate sector.

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About the author
Editorial Invest in Slovakia
The Invest in Slovakia crowdfunding platform facilitates investments in Slovak real estate projects to investors from all over Europe. It focuses on innovative solutions with benefits for the surrounding area. The long-term effort of the team of specialists is the development of financial literacy. It provides clients with access to thoroughly vetted assets with different appreciation strategies.

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If you would like to learn more about which Invest in Slovakia entity you receive services from, or if you have any other questions, please contact us via chat in the Invest in Slovakia app, or by email at [email protected]. Platform investinslovakia.eu does not provide investment advice and individual investors should make their own decisions or seek independent professional advice if they are unsure about the suitability of any investment for their individual needs. The value of investments can rise or fall depending on market developments and unforeseen circumstances. Bear in mind that when investing in loans your capital is subject to risks and is not subject to any protection mechanism. For more information, see FAQ (the most common questions about their answers).
NBS. On the basis of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 October 2020 on European crowdfunding service providers for business and amending Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 and Directive (EU) 2019/1937 (the "Regulation on European crowdfunding service providers for business"), crowdfunding will become a legally regulated activity. From the nature of the Regulation in question, it is expected that the authority authorising and supervising the activities of crowdfunding service providers within the Slovak Republic will be the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic or the National Bank of Slovakia. As a provider of crowdfunding services, we welcome this effort of the European Parliament and we are ready to actively participate in the implementation of the Regulation in order to clarify and set uniform rules for crowdfunding within Slovakia as well as throughout the European Union.
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