4 min.
Editorial Invest in Slovakia
Sustainable investment is about the responsibility and potential that the real estate sector has in achieving climate and environmental sustainability goals. In a rapidly urbanising world, the real estate sector is at the centre of unprecedented levels of growth and activity.
Investors, tenants, cities, and governments can and must play a key role in achieving reductions in greenhouse gas emissions associated with the construction and operation of real estate, as well as the sensible use of space and the surrounding landscape.
The last decade has been good for responsible investing. It has done particularly well in the last 2 years, when ESG funds outperformed the market growth average by 8.54 %. However, they lost the lead at the end of this year - lagged behind the market average by 2.5 %.
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG). Investors are increasingly applying these non-financial factors as part of the analysis process to identify material risks and opportunities for growth. However, there have also been widespread instances of misuse of the concept. Companies and funds may be overvalued due to the 'hype' around green and 'responsible' solutions. This phenomenon is referred to as 'greenwashing'.
Slová ekologický a udržateľný totiž nie sú regulované zákonom. Pri výbere teda treba ísť pod povrch - pri fondoch za označenie skratkou ESG, pri výbere zámeru za „eko" v jeho názve. Prečítajte si o nich viac. Zloženie akcií, či podrobnú analýzu projektu. Tak môžete distinguish a successful project from one that fails - thus will not bring benefits to owners or returns to investors.
It offers investors the appreciation of their finances without the fear of not selling the finished house. Why? Because it will provide the new owners with a pleasant living environment with low costs and economical use of energy.
How will it achieve this?
Dosiahne tak vyšší záujem pre „jeho pridanú hodnotu okoliu“, samotné vyhotovenie, aj pre krásne prostredie, ktoré si môžete zútulniť pratickým altánkom či exteriérovou dlažbou. V okolí je nadmieru zelene, niekoľko cyklotrás a iných voľnočasových lákadiel, no každodenný život je na dosah ruky. Viac o tom nájdete na Facebook page and web site Project.
Hydraloop's unique combination of water treatment technologies ensures the highest quality water without the need for regular maintenance and without harming the environment.
It is consumer friendly, carefree and sustainable. The treatment process removes hair, dirt, soap and other contaminants from grey water without the use of filters, membranes or chemicals, so there is no need to clean or replace them. This significantly reduces the operating costs of the plant itself.
Hydraloop grey water treatment combines six technologies: sedimentation, flotation, dissolved air flotation, froth fractionation, aerobic bioreactor and disinfection of the treated water with strong UV light, which inactivates all pathogenic microorganisms.
Grey water, i.e. lightly polluted waste water from baths and showers, shower cubicles, or from washing machines, sinks, air conditioners and heat pumps, finds a new use in the home.
The treatment technology used in Hydraloop has been tested and certified according to NSF-350 protocol and meets the most stringent international standards.
The developer has so far financed the project through a combination of its own resources and loans from Invest Club investors in three campaigns. Out of the total investment costs of the project of EUR 464 982,66 investors on our platform have funded a total of EUR 334 167,49, which is 72 % of the total cost.
238 investors participated in the financing, thus gaining appreciation from 10.3 % p.a. to 13.00 % p.a. As a matter of interest, the average one-off investment in this project was EUR 1 344.03.
The project is scheduled for completion in late 2022 and has been launched its presale. The project owner has booked one more round of financing with us. Therefore, if you are interested in investing in this project, please follow the investment opportunities on our website or sign up for our Invest Club for free and subscribe to our email newsletter.
It is said that if we want to change the world, we have to start with ourselves. So why not at home? Where we live or invest? A investing in green projects is more eco-efficient than stopping flying planes. That's why we choose projects that build sensibly.