What is crowdfunding and why start now? (infographic)

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Editorial Invest in Slovakia

Crowdfunding, slovo zahraničného pôvodu, s ktorým sa doposiaľ mnohí ani len nestretli. Patríte medzi ľudí, ktorí sa s týmto termínom ešte iba zoznamujú? Vysvetlíme vám, ako realitný crowdfunding funguje a ako ho vo svoj prospech môžete využiť aj vy.

Na začiatku bol developer

Realitný crowdfunding prebieha through a crowdfunding platform, such as the Invest in Slovakia. Such a platform offers developers a space to publish a public call for tenders to raise a certain amount of money needed to successfully complete the development project. This may be the construction of residential properties, commercial properties, holiday apartments or a major redevelopment of a site.

Strength of individual investors

On the other side stand individual investors, ktorí sú ochotní investovať svoje voľné finančné prostriedky do otvorenej kampane výmenou za ich zhodnotenie. The platform then raises the necessary amount of money from many individual investors who can invest from 100 euros up to several tens of thousands of euros and will provide them in the form of a secured loan to the developer at a pre-agreed interest rate. So zarobenými peniazmi (ziskom) sa platforma podelí s individuálnymi investormi, čím sa celý kruh uzatvára. Jednoduché, však?

Why do developers use real estate crowdfunding?

With the increasing requirements of banks to provide mortgage bank loans, more and more real estate developers are unable to access the amount of funds needed to finance the planned construction. On the other hand, there are also developers who do not even attempt to obtain a mortgage loan and directly prefer the option of financing through real estate crowdfunding.

Return vs. risk in crowdfunding

Tak ako každá investícia, aj investícia do realitného crowdfundingu v sebe nesie riziko. Toto riziko môžete výrazne znížiť investovaním prostredníctvom správnej crowdfundingovej platformy. Platform Invest in Slovakia za vás posudzuje všetky investičné zámery developerov tak, aby mal každý investor možnosť investovať iba do kvalitných projektov, ktoré majú najvyššiu šancu uspieť.

Každý projekt, ktorý sa chce uchádzať o financie investorov je podrobený dôkladnému due diligence - po slovensky hĺbkovej previerke. Až po úspešnom dokončení due diligence sa môže uchádzať o peniaze investorov. A preto ak máte voľné finančné prostriedky, neváhajte ich poslať zarábať s realitným crowdfundingom. Môžu vám vytvoriť skutočný pasívny príjem!

Zaujala vás možnosť investovania cez realitný crowdfunding? Join INVEST CLUB Invest in Slovakia platform today and experience how carefree investing in real estate can be.

About the author
Editorial Invest in Slovakia
The Invest in Slovakia crowdfunding platform facilitates investments in Slovak real estate projects to investors from all over Europe. It focuses on innovative solutions with benefits for the surrounding area. The long-term effort of the team of specialists is the development of financial literacy. It provides clients with access to thoroughly vetted assets with different appreciation strategies.

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If you would like to learn more about which Invest in Slovakia entity you receive services from, or if you have any other questions, please contact us via chat in the Invest in Slovakia app, or by email at [email protected]. Platform investinslovakia.eu does not provide investment advice and individual investors should make their own decisions or seek independent professional advice if they are unsure about the suitability of any investment for their individual needs. The value of investments can rise or fall depending on market developments and unforeseen circumstances. Bear in mind that when investing in loans your capital is subject to risks and is not subject to any protection mechanism. For more information, see FAQ (the most common questions about their answers).
NBS. On the basis of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 October 2020 on European crowdfunding service providers for business and amending Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 and Directive (EU) 2019/1937 (the "Regulation on European crowdfunding service providers for business"), crowdfunding will become a legally regulated activity. From the nature of the Regulation in question, it is expected that the authority authorising and supervising the activities of crowdfunding service providers within the Slovak Republic will be the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic or the National Bank of Slovakia. As a provider of crowdfunding services, we welcome this effort of the European Parliament and we are ready to actively participate in the implementation of the Regulation in order to clarify and set uniform rules for crowdfunding within Slovakia as well as throughout the European Union.
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