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Editorial Invest in Slovakia
You know the saying, "He who doesn't appreciate the little money doesn't deserve the big money?" We mention it because many of the money-saving habits will save you relatively small amounts. But when you add those amounts together and factor in time, it's a significant savings that you can use for anything, including investing.
In today's article from the series "Daily habits that save you money" See we will introduce the first 5 waysthat you can implement in your life to save money.
The first, relatively simple way to save on the second biggest cost item for Slovaks, food, is buying unbranded food. Yes, we do. Some foods are simply irreplaceable, like Oreo cookies, Coca Cola, or Nutella. But when it comes to sour cream, sugar, flour, milk and the like, buying cheaper options you can save several tens of euros per month.
Cashback sites fungujú na princípe vrátenia peňazí (cash back) to the customer when buying online. Na Slovensku existuje hneď niekoľko cashback stránok. Medzi najobľúbenejšie patrí určite Tipli, kde za každý online nákup v rôznych e-shopoch ako About You, Zalando, alebo Primark získate späť cashback až do 4% hodnoty objednávky, v závislosti od predajcu. Priemerne nakupujúci Slovák takto zarobí približne 30-50 eur ročne, čo už je, povedzme si, celkom pekná sumička.
If you have a car and a preferred petrol station, consider getting a club card of a given petrol station. Among other advantages, you you can buy coffee with the collected pointsor an energy drink for the road, have your car washed, or choose from a wide range of discounted goods.
One of the most environmentally friendly habits you can ever build is preparing your own food. But not all of us have a talent for cooking. Food tastes better when it's seasoned properly, so here's another money-saving trick growing your own herbs in the garden, on the balcony or in the window of your apartment. This will save you from buying overpriced fresh herbs from the supermarket and give your meals a new flavour dimension.
Do you smoke, like to shop for clothes, or enjoy a glass of wine every night? These and many more habits often go into money as well. If you want to build habits that will save you money, you should start breaking them. And since we know that quitting day to day is extremely difficult (up to impossible), we recommend to start gradually. Continuously curbing the habit in small, tiny steps will hurt you less. If you want, you can also try replacing the habit with something else.
That's all from us for now. What habits help you save? We'd love to hear from you, and you can look forward to the next article in the series called "Daily habits that save you money".
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