1. Invest Club


INVEST CLUB is a non-public zone located at investinslovakia.eu, where INVEST IN SLOVAKIA will make it possible for you to open an Investor Account and make an investment based on an Investment Order free of charge after entering your login name and password. It will also make available information about investment projects, investment reports, and other non-public information. INVEST CLUB is a non-public area that is only accessible to registered users.

How do I get into the INVEST CLUB?

By a simple registration on the INVEST IN SLOVAKIA portal in the MENU section by clicking on the Register button.

How can I invest in INVEST CLUB?

You need to open an Investor Account and pass verification, which will activate your Investor Account.

2. Investor account

What is an Investor Account?

It is a separate, private interface available to the investor on INVEST IN SLOVAKIA in the INVEST CLUB section, where all data, transactions, and any other relevant information are recorded and stored, which includes an overview of the investor's investments and returns, including a display of all investment orders and confirmations of selected investments, which are accessible to the investor after the investment has been made.

Why activate your Investor Account?

Only members registered in INVEST CLUB, with an active Investor Account, can invest in the investment project. After logging in to INVEST CLUB and activating your Investor Account, you can use all the features of the platform to the full extent. Once you have invested in your Investor Account, you will find your transactions, details of returns, and the total value of your Investor Account. You are regularly informed of any changes by email or SMS.

Who can open and activate an Investor Account?

An investor account can be opened by a person over 18 years of age based on a registration, which contains the basic steps. The account is activated in the Veriff application, where the investor verifies his identity and is subsequently approved by the system. From this moment on, he has his investor account active. An investor account can be set up by a natural or legal person. 

One investor can also have two accounts (e.g. one personal and the other corporate).

How to open an Investor Account?

By a simple registration on the INVEST IN SLOVAKIA portal and then activating the Investor Account, which will take place only after filling in the necessary data and signing the Framework Cooperation Agreement.

What do I need to activate my Investor Account?

In order to activate your Investor Account, you will need to: 

→ Fill in personal data
→ Sign the Framework Agreement
→ Fill in a short KYC questionnaire. 

Natural persons: a copy of the front and back of your ID card or another document that can be used to verify your identity. This can be a passport or driving license. You will also need your telephone number and the IBAN code of the account in your name. 

Legal persons: a copy of the front and back of the identity card or other document which can verify the identity of the person(s) acting for the company. This may be a passport or driving license. In addition, the IBAN code of the account held in the company and a telephone number are required.

Why do you need the information and documents entered when signing the Framework Contract?

As a platform that intermediates investments in investment projects, we need to comply with the laws of the Slovak Republic and thus we have become a person responsible for the protection against money laundering and financing of terrorism (AML). We require these documents for AML screening and to verify your identity.

What is a Framework Agreement?

The Framework Agreement is a contract for the provision of investments in real estate projects between INVEST IN SLOVAKIA and you, concluded on the basis of the Investor Account activation process.

What happens after activation of the Investor Account?

You will receive an email and SMS confirmation that your Investor Account is active. You will find the Master Agreement that you have electronically signed stored in your account along with other agreements that you will sign with each investment. The Master Agreement will only come into effect upon the first verification transfer from your bank account, which may take the form of the first investment.

How do I transfer funds to my active Investor Account?

Please use your variable symbol in the payment order to the INVEST IN SLOVAKIA bank account. The variable symbol in this case is your unique investor ID (investor account), which you will receive by registering for INVEST CLUB. The funds are credited to the Invest in Slovakia account within working days, usually within 24 hours. Once credited, the funds are immediately transferred to your active Investor Account in the section 'available funds'. You can dispose of the available funds as you wish.

Your first bank transfer is also a verification bank transfer, which serves to complete the validity of the Framework Agreement between you and INVEST IN SLOVAKIA.

The transfer can be made from a European Union bank account only. In the case of a transfer in a currency other than EUR, the investor bears the risk associated with the exchange rate.

My foreign bank does not offer the option to enter a variable symbol (identification code)

Do not worry! Enter your unique variable symbol (identification code) in the reference field and our system will automatically match your payment with your investor account.

Note: The transfer can be made from a European Union bank account only. In the case of a transfer in a currency other than EUR, the investor bears the risk associated with the exchange rate.

What is a verification bank transfer?

It is a transfer of any amount of money made by you to INVEST IN SLOVAKIA's bank account.

Your first bank transfer must be made from a payment account in your name and surname. You can subsequently assign multiple bank accounts to your Investor Account from which you can send funds to your Investor Account. 

Can I transfer funds in a currency other than EUR to my Investor Account?

You can. However, our bank account is in Euros, so if we receive funds in another currency, they will automatically be converted to EUR at the bank's current exchange rate. You bear the risk associated with the exchange rate.

I changed my ID, how to proceed?

In the menu in your investor account, select "My Profile", then "Identity Verification" and "Change Document". Go through the new identity verification and sign the new Master Agreement.

3. Investing

What is Investment?

Investment means the amount of money you specify that you invest to participate in an investment project in the form of a loan for the purpose and on the terms and conditions set out in the Framework Agreement and the Investment Order.

Čo je to darček?

Investori na našej platforme môžu získať aj DARČEK. Je to samostatná transakcia, ktorú Investor získa po zrealizovaní alebo schválení investície do 24 hodín priamo do disponibilných prostriedkov. Túto čiastku môže Investor použiť na ďalšiu investíciu samostatne alebo spolu s ďalšími finančnými prostriedkami, ktoré si vloží na svoj Investorský účet.

Ak je nastavený DARČEK v hodnote 100 € pri investícii nad 2 000 €, tak Investor, ktorý zainvestuje do ľubovoľného projektu aspoň 2 000 €, získa 100 € po zrealizovaní alebo schválení investície priamo do disponibilných prostriedkov.

Čo je to bonus?

Investori na našej platforme môžu získať dva druhy BONUSOV – predrezervačný a last-minute bonus. Bonusy využívajú vlastníci projektov, aby zatraktívnili financovanie ich projektov. Bonus predstavuje 0,5 % až 2 % z výšky istiny a je limitovaný časom. Pripisuje sa okamžite ako samostatná transakcia, neúročí sa a vypláca sa na konci investičného obdobia projektu spolu s istinou.
Aktuálne bonusy nájdete v ponuke kampaní a taktiež o nich informujeme aj emailom. Preto ak nechcete nič zmeškať, nezabudnite sa prihlásiť na odber noviniek emailom.

Ak je nastavený predrezervačný bonus 1 % a Investor zainvestuje sumu 1 000 €, pripíše sa mu k investícii samostatná transakcia predrezervačný bonus vo výške 10 €. Bonus sa vyplatí v deň, kedy je splatná aj istina (zainvestovaných 1 000 €).

What am I investing in?

You invest in a participation in an investment project by means of a special-purpose loan, which is granted to the Main Investor following the investment project presented. This is arranged by INVEST IN SLOVAKIA, which concludes the Loan Agreement on your behalf and with your consent, subject to compliance with all the terms and conditions set out.

Why does INVEST IN SLOVAKIA arrange this loan?

INVEST IN SLOVAKIA actively searches, performs legal, technical, and economic due diligence for financing investment projects. It provides credit and protection processes for all creditors (investors) who have the opportunity to participate in investment projects with various attributes under pre-agreed conditions, starting from a minimum investment amount of 100 €.

What is Co-participation?

The participation gives the investor the right to participate in the profits and losses arising from the Loan Agreement concluded by INVEST IN SLOVAKIA with the Project Owner. The share in the profits and losses arising from the Loan Agreement is directly proportional to the amount of the participation received by the investor for its investment. 

Ak investor investuje 1 000 EUR formou úveru a spolupodieľa sa na úvere v celkovej výške 100 000 EUR, to znamená, že dostane 1 % z celkových výnosov.

Who is the Project Owner?

The owner of the project can be the developer or the main investor of the project, who submits a loan application to the INVEST IN SLOVAKIA portal.

Who is investing on the platform for?

Investing is only for investors for whom the potential loss of part or all of their investment will not mean a significant deterioration in their economic situation.

What do I need to invest?

You need to have an activated Investor Account and sufficient available funds in the amount of the planned investment. You will be signing the Investment Order via SMS code, so you will also need to enter your phone number.

What is an Investment Order?

An investment order is a document that creates a commitment to provide you with an investment after you select a specific investment project from the current INVEST IN SLOVAKIA offer and confirm it with your electronic signature, SMS code. The investment order forms an integral part of the Framework Agreement.

What are the risks of investing?

The details of the individual risks of participation in an investment project are reflected in the details of each investment opportunity. You can always familiarise yourself with the possible risks of participation in a given investment project before the investment itself.

How does the investment process work?

You need to log in to the INVEST IN SLOVAKIA platform and access your active Investor account. To invest, you need to have enough available (free) funds in your account, which you can top up by transferring to INVEST IN SLOVAKIA's bank account. When making the transfer, do not forget to indicate your unique variable symbol. 

You then select the investment opportunity and press the Invest button. You will be taken to the Investment Order where you will select the amount to invest. 

After pressing the Order Investment button, a document will be generated for you to sign. 

You sign the investment with the SMS code that was delivered to the phone number you entered. Finally, you confirm it with the Finish button. 

Once the investment is complete, your available funds are reserved until the fundraising (investment opportunity campaign) closes. If this happens, you will receive information via email and SMS. 

From the date of the successful fundraising, your investment amount will be appreciated according to the agreed terms of the specific investment project. 

If the fundraising is not successful, your invested amount will be credited back to your available funds, the money becomes free from that moment on and you can dispose of it as you wish.

What is fundraising?

A campaign for a specific investment project that runs for a period of time in order to raise sufficient funds to provide a special purpose loan to the Project Owner.

What is the lowest and highest amount that can be invested?

The amount invested must be between the minimum and maximum investment amount. This information is given in the specific parameters of the investment project. As a general rule, the minimum amount is 100 EUR and the maximum amount that an investor can invest in one project is 30,000 EUR.

For investments over EUR 30 000, please contact us directly by phone or email. These details can be found on the website in the Contact section.

What happens after the investment is made?

Po investovaní ľubovoľnej čiastky v rozmedziach minimálnej a maximálnej sa  táto časť Vašich disponibilných prostriedkov stáva rezervovaná až do úspešného naplnenia fundraisingu (kampane investičnej príležitosti), resp. do termínu uzatvorenia fundraisingu.

If the fundraising was successful, the amount you invested is invested and you receive a return on that investment as agreed. 

If the fundraising is not successful, the invested amount will be credited back to your available funds, the money becomes free and you can dispose of it as you wish.

How is the money secured before it reaches the developer?

The funds raised from each campaign are banked so that they cannot be tampered with. The funds will only be released to the project owner's account if the project owner has fulfilled all the conditions beforehand. All the conditions set by the Project Owner for the disbursement of the investment are detailed in the details of the individual investment campaigns.

What does a reserved investment mean?

A Reserved Investment is created at the time of the Investment Order and expires at: 

- successful fundraising, where the reserved investment becomes an investment and you get a participation in the investment project. 

- unsuccessful fundraising, when the reserved investment is returned to your available funds.

What happens if the target amount or the minimum amount required by the Project Owner is not raised?

Kampaň bez stanovenej minimálnej potrebnej sumy sa uzavrie a investuje podľa vopred stanovených podmienok. Projekt sa následne dofinancuje v nasledujúcej kampani. 

Ak je na kampani stanovená minimálna potrebná suma a tá sa nenaplní, všetky rezervované prostriedky sa Vám vrátia do disponibilných prostriedkov. Odtiaľ ich môžete ľubovoľne investovať inam, počkať, či bezplatne vybrať.

Can I cancel an investment already made or reserved?

An investment made or reserved can no longer be revoked. The invested or reserved funds will be returned to you based on the terms of the specific investment project with the proceeds, or in the case of unsuccessful fundraising when they will be sent back to you among your available funds.

When will I receive the proceeds of the Loan Agreement?

No later than the second business day after the day on which the payment from the Main Investor (debtor) has been credited to our account. We will inform you by email and SMS when the proceeds have been credited to your investor account. The proceeds will be credited to your available funds from where you can dispose of the funds as you wish.

What happens if part of the loan is not repaid?

Throughout the term of the loan, we are in close contact with the Project Owner and monitor compliance with the terms and conditions agreed in the loan agreement. If a situation arises where the Project Owner fails to repay any portion of the loan, we have the right to intervene and exercise the rights and penalty mechanisms of the Intermediary Agreement, designed to compel the Project Owner to properly perform its obligations. We have legal mechanisms in place to ensure proper repayment of the loan. In the event that there is a default in repayment or non-payment of any part of the loan, we endeavour to resolve the existing situation without delay in the interest of all investors involved in the investment project. We will review the situation of the Project Owner within a short period of time and together with the legal team we will propose possible procedures for the recovery of the outstanding debt.

How will you resolve the dispute with the Project Owner?

As a first step, we will try to reach an out-of-court settlement and find a solution that satisfies all investors with a stake in the investment project in the shortest possible time. At this point, we may attempt to reach an agreement with a third party that will purchase the outstanding debt owed by the Project Owner and secure a quick recovery of the amount owed to all investors. 

If we determine that the reason for non-payment of any portion of the loan is due to the Project Owner's uncooperative attitude and the Project Owner's breach of the terms of the Loan Agreement, we will proceed to court and assert claims to the property rights that were part of the Loan Agreement. In extreme situations, we also take up the matter with the law enforcement authorities of the Slovak Republic. 

Whenever possible, we have mechanisms in place where, together with our team of lawyers, we can react promptly and do our best to compensate creditors for their participation in a given investment project.

Is Invest in Slovakia regulated by the NBS?

Na základe Nariadenia Európskeho parlamentu a Rady (EÚ) 2020/ zo 7. októbra 2020 o európskych poskytovateľoch služieb hromadného financovania pre podnikanie a o zmene nariadenia (EÚ) 2017/1129 a smernice (EÚ) 2019/1937) môžu crowdfundingové platformy vykonávať svoju činnosť len na základe povolenia oprávneného poskytovateľa služieb hromadného financovania.

Pre už existujúce crowdfundingové platformy bolo stanovené prechodné obdobie do 10. novembra 2023 dokedy musia získať oprávnenie poskytovateľa služieb hromadného financovania. Túto iniciatívu Európskeho parlamentu a Rady EU sme uvítali a v súčasnosti sa nachádzame v procese prípravy, aby sme mohli toto povolenie získať. Udeľovanie povolení na výkon činnosti poskytovateľa zabezpečuje regulačný a kontrolný orgán, ktorým je Národná banka Slovenska v spolupráci s Európskym orgánom dohľadu (Európsky orgán pre cenné papiere a trhy).

If all loans are secured, why don't borrowers turn to the banks?

Following the credit crunch and subsequent recession, banks' risk appetite has been significantly reduced, meaning that banks have tightened their lending criteria. Banks have strict criteria that are not borrower-friendly and therefore many loan applications are rejected. INVEST IN SLOVAKIA is a small and flexible organization that is willing to help companies that have been refused funding by banks despite their strong business plan and solid collateral.

What happens to my contracts if INVEST IN SLOVAKIA goes bankrupt?

INVEST IN SLOVAKIA is an intermediary of real investments, we do not offer asset management. All investment contracts are signed between the borrower and the investor, INVEST IN SLOVAKIA only mediates the transaction. All client funds are segregated from INVEST IN SLOVAKIA's operating funds. Should INVEST IN SLOVAKIA experience financial difficulties or go bankrupt, client funds are safe and still available. In such an unlikely event, a contracting entity will be appointed to take over INVEST IN SLOVAKIA's role and service all investments.

What is the inheritance procedure?

In principle, there is only one legal route in case of death = inheritance proceedings. If the client would like to give someone a power of attorney to dispose of the account during his/her lifetime - this is possible, a notarized power of attorney. 

According to §33b of the Civil Code, the power of attorney (authorized person, dispossessor) expires upon the death of the principal. If the principal dies, the attorney is still obliged to do everything that cannot be delayed so that the principal or his heirs do not suffer damage to their rights. On the death of the client, his property becomes subject to inheritance proceedings. Withdrawal and termination of the investment by the principal are not possible. A power of attorney cannot avoid succession proceedings, nor can the money be obtained earlier. Whoever acts after death under a power of attorney may be guilty of a criminal offense. 

What is the procedure in the event of a client's death?

1. O úmrtí by pozostalí klienta mali čo najskôr informovať Ci investment s.r.o., resp. nahlásiť v rámci dedičského konania príslušnému notárovi, že klient mal aj takýto majetok. 

2. The death certificate of the deceased must be attached to the notification to us. 

3. Ci investment s.r.o. zablokuje účet až do momentu vysporiadania dedičského konania. 

4. The heirs notify the notary to whom the succession proceedings will be assigned that the deceased had an investment with us. The notary, as the legally authorized person, will contact us and make all necessary arrangements for the pending succession proceedings. 

5. Ci investment s.r.o.  v rámci takéhoto dedičského konania poskytne notárovi všetku potrebnú súčinnosť, najmä mu potvrdí majetok zosnulého klienta, ktorý má ku dňu smrti v Ci investment s.r.o. a ktorý bude predmetom dedičského konania.

4. Revenue

Who doesn't have to tax proceeds?

If Investor - natural person has no income other than interest on loans, or all income for the calendar year, including interest on loans, does not exceed the minimum amount for filing a tax return according to the current version of the relevant tax law, (i.e. 2 461,41 EUR), income in this amount is exempt from tax, no tax return is filed and no tax is paid.

How do I tax the proceeds?

Every investor who earned income paid into his or her Investor Account in the past calendar year is subject to taxation. To download the proceeds statement, please use this guide:

1: Prihláste sa do svojho účtu a kliknite na svoje meno. Rozbalí sa Vám ponuka. Kliknite na "Moja peňaženka".

2: V časti "Moja peňaženka" kliknite na "Documents."

3: Kliknite na "Export" a následne na "Tax statement". Po kliknutí naň sa Vám stiahne PDF súbor, ktorý obsahuje Vaše príjmy za príslušný rok.

UPOZORNENIE: Ak ste žiadne príjmy z investícií za príslušný rok nemali, výpis bude prázdny. Daňová povinnosť sa Vás netýka.

Who is a resident?

A resident is any natural person who has permanent residence or habitual residence in the territory of the Slovak Republic. A natural person habitually resides in the territory of the Slovak Republic if he or she does not have permanent residence in the territory of the Slovak Republic, but stays here for at least 183 days in the relevant calendar year, either continuously or in several periods, with each day of stay, even if started, counting towards this period. 

Taxation of interest on the loan is to be done by the Resident Investor by filing a tax return. The tax return must be filed by 31.03. of the following year. 

How do I tax the income?

You need to file a Type B tax return, as interest on loans is taxed on this type of return, in VII. SECTION VII - CALCULATION OF THE SPECIAL TAX BASE FOR INCOME FROM CAPITAL ASSETS (Section 7 of the Act) - Part 3 interest and other income from loans and borrowings and interest on the value of the paid-up deposit in the agreed amount of the members of public companies /Paragraph 1(c)

What is the amount of the tax?

Ide o daň z príjmu vo výške 19 %.

5. Affiliate

Where can I find my unique affiliate link?

You will find your unique affiliate link in your investor account. You click on My Profile and on the left-hand side you will see a menu that will expand, including "Affiliate". You will see information on the reward program and a link that you can send to friends to earn additional passive income.

How do I know that a new contact will be added to my affiliate list?

If the investor uses the link you send them, their contact details will be displayed in our system. In one column you are listed as the referrer and in the other column, the new investor referred by you. It is essential that the new investor uses your unique affiliate link to sign up.

What does 5x reward for each recommended investor mean?

The system is set up in such a way that you can get the reward for a recommended investor up to 5 times in a row. Thus, if your recommended investor invests in one investment project, adequate percentages of the invested amount will be credited to your available funds, from where you can transfer them free of charge to your bank account or invest them with us. You will receive this reward for up to 5 of his investments in our projects.

How does the WELCOME bonus work?

The WELCOME bonus is used to welcome a new investor referred by you who signs up through your unique affiliate link. Once invested, the new investor will receive 1% of the invested amount in addition to the returns. A great introductory gift.


Invest Club


Invest Club


Investor account


Investor account













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Contact us
Privacy Policy   |   Terms and conditions   |   +421 910 548 844   |  [email protected]  | Invest in Slovakia is operated by Ci investment, s.r.o, Levočská 10, 058 01 Poprad, Slovakia.
If you would like to learn more about which Invest in Slovakia entity you receive services from, or if you have any other questions, please contact us via chat in the Invest in Slovakia app, or by email at [email protected]. Platform investinslovakia.eu does not provide investment advice and individual investors should make their own decisions or seek independent professional advice if they are unsure about the suitability of any investment for their individual needs. The value of investments can rise or fall depending on market developments and unforeseen circumstances. Bear in mind that when investing in loans your capital is subject to risks and is not subject to any protection mechanism. For more information, see FAQ (the most common questions about their answers).
NBS. On the basis of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 October 2020 on European crowdfunding service providers for business and amending Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 and Directive (EU) 2019/1937 (the "Regulation on European crowdfunding service providers for business"), crowdfunding will become a legally regulated activity. From the nature of the Regulation in question, it is expected that the authority authorising and supervising the activities of crowdfunding service providers within the Slovak Republic will be the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic or the National Bank of Slovakia. As a provider of crowdfunding services, we welcome this effort of the European Parliament and we are ready to actively participate in the implementation of the Regulation in order to clarify and set uniform rules for crowdfunding within Slovakia as well as throughout the European Union.
Copyright © 2024, Ci investment, s.r.o.