4 minutes
Editorial Invest in Slovakia - Maria
Autumn in Invest in Slovakia was rich in investment projects. We published a total of 6 campaigns for Invest Club members (two for the Ružová Residential House project, one for capital growth with monthly returns, two for Schvabi Residenz and one for Viladomy Kukučka).
The project Apartment house Ružová on Sabinovská street in Prešov was a reconstruction of the original family house into residential units. The main investor offered INVEST CLUB members the opportunity to participate in this project with a return 12,10 % p.a. (per annum) for a period of 12 months with quarterly revenues for both campaigns totaling EUR 340,000. The reality exceeded expectations, as a sufficiently high amount was raised thanks to higher deposits.
Another campaign was the continuation of the RENT business model, a monthly income project with capital growth. The set amount was EUR 100 000. It was possible to raise almost 80% in this round.
A new project in the company's portfolio was also Schvabi Residenz on Švábská Street, where it was the construction of a unique project in a developing part of Prešov, in close proximity to the main traffic arteries.
The last successfully funded project was the third Viladomy Kukučka campaign. The original name was changed to "Residencia Martina Kukučína", as the main investor managed to architecturally divide the layout into 5x residential units (instead of 4x apartments in semi-detached houses). We have collected the amount of 100 000 EUR for 12 months at an annual interest of 10,8%. The campaign was fulfilled in 2 working days with a PRE-RESALE BONUS.
In total, the amount of 789 739 EUR was raised.Thank you to all of you who actively participated and used the BONUSES to raise the necessary amounts.
Even in the last weeks of the old year, you can still expect new investment opportunities. Keep an eye on our website https://investinslovakia.eu/ and don't hesitate to secure your income for the following year.
We are grateful for every single deposit and for every new investor - from Slovakia and abroad. We believe that you will continue to stay with us and support Slovak projects.
🍀 We wish you good luck on your journey passive income.