2 minutes
Editorial Invest in Slovakia
Marek's primary business is educating people. He studies at the Technical University in Košice and currently works in Banská Bystrica. He is involved in opening OVB branches in Eastern Slovakia and is actively building his own brand Kvasnicka's.
How did he get into finance?
He planned to be a computer scientist, he wanted to go into business, so he chose a school in Scotland where the sector was the most lucrative. He got an offer in finance and stayed in Slovakia. A year ago, he and his twin brother started the family brand "Kvasnicka's" - they also educate people through YouTube videos.
What does Marek's day look like?
Educating people and opening new branches across eastern Slovakia - selection interviews, coaching of future leaders and training.
How is it possible that financial advice is free?
If a person goes to buy a property, the price is a certain amount and the broker adds his commission. In OVB it is a little different. If someone buys an apartment on a mortgage of 100,000 euros, the client reimburses the bank for the interest amount. We are paid out of that reimbursement, so the bank saves itself and not the client on the commission. It works the same way for any other financial institution.
How do clients get to it?
Most often it is through referrals. Not every client can be my client, we move it around within the structure.
Marketing and its place in Kvasnicka´s company?
They want to reach as many people as possible, we need to reach them somehow. Marketing is perfect for this. The brothers want to do marketing in a human way and break down prejudices.
What are the indicators of the right selection of people for a collaborative team?
Whether he listens and does what I say or just does. The beautiful thing about the finance business is that it always "strips a new person naked". It can teach a person completely everything if they are willing to listen to me - how to be responsible, how to sell, how to manage, educate and lead people, etc.
What role does education play in his life?
It compares education in school and in practice. Business is the college of life. Business keeps throwing problems at people that they don't yet understand. You don't need college to be in the financial business. It is more about other aspects. One has to apply the information from school in practice to be able to make money.
What books does he recommend?
He has several of them. He recommends motivational literature, for example by Harv Eker, and he also mentioned the advice of coach Michal B. Jordan, which work well to set the mind.
What was his best investment?
There were a lot of them. The best were the courses, the trainings that helped him grow, think mentally differently and work on himself.