Editorial Invest in Slovakia
The first real estate project of this year was a new project near the town of Poprad, in the village of Spišská Teplica, right at the beginning of January.
This was an investment opportunity where a new generation of ECO-HYDRO family homes will be built with near-zero energy consumption, renewable resources and water savings that are recycled from up to 85%.
Rodinné domy s vlastným pozemkom a záhradou sú momentálne žiadanou nehnuteľnosťou na realitnom trhu. Jeden rodinný dom disponuje obytnou plochou 112,57 m2 s prislúchajúcim pozemkom o veľkosti 340 m2.
The main "drivers" of the project were the following aspects of the houses:
The main investor allowed the members of the INVESTORS CLUB to participate in this investment fixed income 12,77 % p.a. (annually). The proceeds for this investment project will be paid quarterly. The investment period was assumed to be for 18 months.
Once again, you, our investors, have come together and another record falls in the time it took you to fill the EUR 160 000.
Up to 95% of you have used PRE-BOOKING BONUS +2% and you invested in the first three days of the campaign. The fundraising ended on the first day, when the project ran without the bonus.
Thanks to you, the amount was raised in record time, in 4. working days and the project got the "green light".
Ďakujeme za dôveru a za ďalší naplnený projekt. Ďakujeme za úspešný vstup do roku 2021. Vidíme, že má zmysel prinášať všetkým členom KLUBU INVESTOROV zaujímavé realitné projekty. Prečítajte si aj nezávislú recenziu našej platformy.
We keep our fingers crossed for you on your passive income journey ... and thank you for walking it with us.