Strength\nof individual investors<\/h2>\n\n\n\n
On the other side stand individual investors,<\/strong> ktor\u00ed s\u00fa ochotn\u00ed investova\u0165 svoje vo\u013en\u00e9 finan\u010dn\u00e9 prostriedky do otvorenej kampane v\u00fdmenou za ich zhodnotenie<\/strong>. The platform then raises the necessary amount of money from many individual investors who can invest from 100 euros<\/strong> up to several tens of thousands of euros and will provide them in the form of a secured loan to the developer at a pre-agreed interest rate.<\/strong> So zaroben\u00fdmi peniazmi (ziskom) sa platforma podel\u00ed s individu\u00e1lnymi investormi, \u010d\u00edm sa cel\u00fd kruh uzatv\u00e1ra. Jednoduch\u00e9, v\u0161ak?<\/p>\n\n\n\n<\/div>\n\n\n\n
Why do developers use real estate crowdfunding?<\/h2>\n\n\n\n
With the increasing requirements of banks to provide mortgage bank loans, more and more real estate developers are unable to access the amount of funds needed to finance the planned construction. On the other hand, there are also developers who do not even attempt to obtain a mortgage loan and directly prefer the option of financing through real estate crowdfunding.<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n<\/div>\n\n\n\n
Return vs. risk in crowdfunding<\/h2>\n\n\n\n
Tak ako ka\u017ed\u00e1 invest\u00edcia, aj invest\u00edcia do realitn\u00e9ho crowdfundingu v sebe nesie riziko. Toto riziko m\u00f4\u017eete v\u00fdrazne zn\u00ed\u017ei\u0165 investovan\u00edm prostredn\u00edctvom spr\u00e1vnej crowdfundingovej platformy. Platform<\/strong> Invest in Slovakia za v\u00e1s posudzuje<\/strong> v\u0161etky investi\u010dn\u00e9 z\u00e1mery developerov tak, aby mal ka\u017ed\u00fd investor mo\u017enos\u0165 investova\u0165 iba do kvalitn\u00fdch projektov, ktor\u00e9 maj\u00fa najvy\u0161\u0161iu \u0161ancu uspie\u0165.<\/strong> <\/p>\n\n\n\nKa\u017ed\u00fd projekt, ktor\u00fd sa chce uch\u00e1dza\u0165 o financie investorov je podroben\u00fd d\u00f4kladn\u00e9mu due diligence - po slovensky h\u013abkovej previerke.<\/strong> A\u017e po \u00faspe\u0161nom dokon\u010den\u00ed due diligence sa m\u00f4\u017ee uch\u00e1dza\u0165 o peniaze investorov. A\u00a0preto ak m\u00e1te vo\u013en\u00e9 finan\u010dn\u00e9 prostriedky, nev\u00e1hajte ich posla\u0165 zar\u00e1ba\u0165 s realitn\u00fdm crowdfundingom. M\u00f4\u017eu v\u00e1m\u00a0vytvori\u0165 skuto\u010dn\u00fd pas\u00edvny pr\u00edjem!<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\nZaujala v\u00e1s mo\u017enos\u0165 investovania cez realitn\u00fd crowdfunding? Join <\/strong>INVEST CLUB<\/strong><\/a> Invest in Slovakia platform today and experience how carefree investing in real estate can be.<\/p>\n\n\n\n